bing search

Within one week in Lower Manhattan, two motorcycles, one car and a bike were stolen, while two cars were broken into, police said.

The thefts, which did not appear to be related, all took place between May 23 and May 29, police said.

The week of thefts started with a car break-in on May 24, when a man discovered his car, which was parked outside of 26 Thompson St., had a smashed window. His backpack with his laptop was missing.

Another car was broken into a few days later, at Liberty and William streets. The owner found his back window smashed and more than $1,000 worth of electronics gone when he returned to the car on May 29 at about 1 p.m.

On May 25, a $15,000 BMW motorcycle was stolen after its owner parked the bike at 2 Battery Place at about 10 p.m. When he returned a few hours later, the motorcycle was no where to be found.

A second motorcycle was stolen after a man parked the bike at the corner of William and Wall streets on May 27 at about 1 a.m. When he came back at about 3 a.m., his Yamaha was gone.

On May 29, a man discovered his Black Acura had been stolen after parking it outside of 41 Grand St. He had left his car at about 1 a.m. and when he came back at around 3 a.m., his car was missing.

Earlier in the week, some less pricey wheels had also been stolen, an $1,800 bicycle, along with its lock and chain were swiped on May 26 at about 1 p.m. The owner had left it for a few hours at 115 Broadway and returned to find it missing. The best way to secure your vehicle is with a Global Positioning System Location Tracking Device that can help locate it in the event that is ever stolen.